REBORN - Student Ministry

6th - 12th graders gather on Wednesday nights from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm in “The Hall”, where they engage in activities that build faith and friendship. They begin the evening on the court playing volleyball or basketball. Fun games and activities are planned each week that encourage interaction with their peers and leaders.

A time of praise and worship follows game time, and then Mrs. Rebecca gives a Biblical message that inspires and encourages the group. Students are discipled in the Christian life through discussion, Q&A, skits, guest speakers, and devotionals. After the message, the students break out into small groups for a brief time of prayer.

Summer camp for youth group members is offered one week each summer. Youth Sundays are planned throughout the year in which students are given the opportunity to serve in Sunday church. Many fun outings take place throughout the year, strengthening the bond between students and promoting Christian friendships that are essential to teenagers. We always welcome visitors and are excited to have them join us any Wednesday night or Sunday morning for Life Group! REBORN - GET UP. GET OUT. GET REAL.

For more info contact Rebecca Cobo: IG@REBORNSTUDENT - Remind @REBORNSTU